Embracing Positivity: My Stance on Body and Sex Positivity - Motojicho.us

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Embracing Positivity: My Stance on Body and Sex Positivity


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Embracing Positivity:
My Stance on Body and Sex Positivity

In today's world, the body positive and sex positive movements have gained significant traction, advocating for the acceptance and celebration of all body types and sexual expressions. As a supporter of both movements, I believe in the importance of fostering a society where individuals feel empowered to embrace their bodies and sexualities without shame or judgment. However, while I wholeheartedly support the body positive movement, I sometimes feel it’s implied that I must also support the sex positive movement—and all its variants of sexual behavior that trend toward pornography and graphic exhibitionism—or be seen as inconsistent in my beliefs. This situation can be challenging, as it feels like one cannot support one cause without automatically supporting the other. The following is a collection of this author's opinions, formed without judgment of lifestyle choices, reflecting my own support for and the need to set personal boundaries. So, here's my take on it...

Body Positivity: Celebrating Diversity

The body positive movement is about recognizing and appreciating the diversity of human bodies. It challenges societal standards of beauty and promotes self-love and acceptance. I support this movement because I believe everyone deserves to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, regardless of size, shape, or appearance. By embracing body positivity, we can create a more inclusive and compassionate world where people are valued for who they are, not just how they look.

Sex Positivity: Embracing Sexual Expression

The sex positive movement promotes the idea that all consensual sexual activities are fundamentally healthy and should be encouraged. It emphasizes the importance of a healthy, informed, and open attitude toward sex and sexuality. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Consent: Consent is paramount. All sexual activities must be consensual, meaning that all parties involved, online or off, freely agree to participate.
  2. Respect and Equality: Everyone's sexual preferences, orientations, and identities are respected. The movement opposes discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or sexual behavior.
  3. Education: Comprehensive sex education is important. This includes learning about safe sex practices, understanding consent, and exploring the psychological and emotional aspects of sex.
  4. Destigmatization: The movement works to reduce the stigma surrounding sex and sexuality. This includes combating myths and taboos that perpetuate shame or guilt around sexual activities.
  5. Empowerment: It encourages individuals to take control of their sexual health and well-being, advocating for access to sexual health resources and services.

While the sex positive movement is inclusive and encourages acceptance, it is not without its challenges. Even within this community, barriers exist due to the vast variations in human sexual behavior. A significant distinction must be made between sex positivity, which emphasizes informed, consensual, and respectful expression, and the public display of pornography or exhibitionism. These practices, though valid forms of sexual expression for some, are not synonymous with the broader goals of the sex positive movement. Sex positivity prioritizes education, consent, and reducing stigma, while recognizing that not all expressions of sexuality align with everyone's personal values or comfort levels. Acknowledging these differences ensures that the movement remains respectful and inclusive without pressuring individuals to engage with or accept all forms of sexual expression.

Personal Boundaries: My Approach to Erotic Content

While I wholeheartedly support both movements, I choose not to post images of myself in an erotic state. For me, it's not necessary to photograph myself with an erection to support the overall movement. I believe that body and sex positivity can be championed through words, actions, and respectful discussions without the need for explicit imagery. My decision is rooted in my personal comfort and boundaries, and I respect others who make different choices.

Curating My Social Media Experience

Additionally, I prefer not to see erections and sexual activity within my social media newsfeeds. As a result, I tend not to follow individuals who post such material. This choice allows me to curate a social media experience that aligns with my values and comfort levels. It's important to remember that supporting body and sex positivity doesn't require us to engage with all forms of content. We can advocate for these movements in ways that feel authentic and respectful to us.

Conclusion: Respect and Empowerment

In conclusion, my support for the body positive and sex positive movements is unwavering. I believe in the power of these movements to create a more inclusive and accepting society. However, I also recognize the importance of personal boundaries and the right to curate our own experiences. By respecting each other's choices and promoting positivity in ways that align with our values, we can contribute to a more respectful and empowering world.

*MotoBlog is a collection of thoughts, insights, and stories based on true-life experiences – all born from the misguided trust in others.

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