The Stories In My Head

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The Stories In My Head
Published by Nevada Motojicho in This & That · 23 May 2020
Tags: This&That
*This is an excerpt from the Turtle’s Diary - May 23, 2020

The Stories In My Head

I do a lot of reading although I tend to pick up research materials over novels.  When I do read novels, I tend to go to classics like Virginia Woolf and Faulkner.  I love Woolf because of how she paints pictures in my mind with her verse and poetic style of writing -- difficult as she can be at times.  I read contemporary novels too.  I like suspense dramas and fantasy over sci-fi and romance.

When I was a kid, one could enter my room and find me on the floor with an encyclopedia reading topics that ranged mostly in the medical field.  I wanted to be a doctor when I was a kid like so many others but of course as an adult, we never grow up to be the fireman hero we dreamt about as a kid.  Some do, and man, aren't they the lucky ones!

Sure, I read novels – I was not a complete nerd as a kid.  I liked The Hardy Boys the same as anyone else and Harriet the Spy did catch my eye.
But my favorite pastime as a kid was writing plays (or rather, adaptations of plays).  I would write them, recruit the neighborhood kids to be actors and then charge the parents for admission.  Hey, no different than when you sold lemonade on the corner.  I would write productions like, “Cinderella Goes Mod” and then stage it in the backyard or in the garage making props of trees and whatnot out of string to make it look like a kid’s dream.  I used to work a solo act too – I had put on puppet shows underneath my father’s work bench in the garage; don’t ask.

Most of what I wrote as a kid was kept in a journal of sorts, a dime store diary.  One of those little books with a lock strap and generally sold to little girls.  That selling demographic does not help little boys who similarly want to write down thoughts but, that goes for a different opinion piece down the road.  Today in my old age, I write down my thoughts into a laptop which is sort of the same as a diary with a tiny lock, don’t you think?

I had never thought about writing my thoughts in a blog until after a dear friend was murdered.  He was murdered moments after we had said goodbye and parted for the day and his death was emotionally traumatic for me – I needed a place to write my feelings, not for anyone else to read but just a place for me.  After venting my emotions, I found a zillion other things I wanted to write about.

I do write things now that I intend people to read – you just haven't read them.  That is not a fair statement, many have.  There are many writings that have not been released yet, basically because I have too many irons in the fire at the same time, and while I sit daydreaming on what to do next, I'll find something else to add to the list, it’s a never-ending story.  I know many can relate.

The stories in my head are overwhelming – they all represent thoughts that I get in the middle of the night – or while daydreaming what I’ll do next.  I will finish writing them some day but, since I have an opinion on just about everything, that day keeps getting pushed further and further back as new titles pop into my head.

*The Turtle’s Diary is a collection of thoughts, insights and stories based on a turtle’s true life experiences – gained by the misguided trust in others.

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