Moto's Nudist Beginnings

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Moto's Nudist Beginnings
Published by Nevada Motojicho in Nudist/Naturist · 28 June 2018
Tags: Nudist/Naturist

I have been a nudist since 1975 although I’ve probably been since childhood. As a pre-teen, I would get up in the middle of the night to run around the neighborhood naked just to get the feeling of the night air across my body. As a kid, I was somehow able to convince other kids in the neighborhood to get naked with me; when I felt the urge to get naked, I would suggest to the other kids I was with to get naked with me, and it never seemed too difficult to do. I wonder what those kids think of nudity today.

As a young adult, I lived in San Diego and had always heard of the infamous Black’s Beach, so I thought I’d go check it out. I went once or twice exceedingly early in the morning when the place was empty, ran into the waves, stood alone on the beach for a bit and would leave. It all seemed so stupid since at the time, I lived only 4 blocks from a different beach, Pacific Beach, yet I would get on a 45-minute bus ride to go to Black’s. A couple of months had passed, and I decided to give it another try. This time, there were people, so I walked way down the beach to be by myself; I wasn’t interested in becoming a social nudist at that time, I didn’t know what that was. So, I found a little spot way down at the end of the beach which felt like I was a mile from everyone. I laid my towel down, got naked and started my little sun worshiping thing.

With my eyes closed and just listening to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, I remember it was beautiful – there weren't any devices streaming music or other media to headphones back in those days. But we did have noisy children and suddenly, I heard screaming and running going on all around me. There was kicking up sand and … omg! So, I sat up with a WTF? look on my face and found the parents of two little kids, a toddler and an older sister, maybe 4 or 5 years old. The parents were now spreading out their big blue blanket and laying open their picnic basket not more than a dozen feet from my towel. So, what was I supposed to do? I had two choices… I could bitch and leave or, I could become social. That was my first naked social experience – it was June 1975.

I spent the whole day with that family laughing, talking and, wow, just wow! I was pleasantly surprised at how rewarding the experience was and now, looking back, in many more ways than I would’ve ever imagined at the time. A few days later, I opened the newspaper (a rarity for me at that age) and found an ad asking for help to stuff envelopes in an effort to fight a San Diego ballot measure making Black’s Beach illegal; evidently, some folks living up above the beach made a bunch of noise and they had very expensive houses. So, I worked voluntarily for several weeks stuffing envelopes for the San Diego Nude Beach Committee in someone's garage with a bunch of other naked volunteers. Those two experiences were my first introduction to “social” nudism. Oh, and the beach remained legal after the ballot measure failed – I feel my time stuffing envelopes was well served.

That was a long time ago – it scares me when I think about it. Anyway, I’ve been an active promoter of nudism ever since. 😎

*The Turtle’s Diary is a collection of thoughts, insights and stories based on a turtle’s true life experiences – gained by the misguided trust in others.

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